PIF Treasuries

One of the games we play on the PCF Team on Etsy involves creating Pay It Forward (PIF) Treasuries. A member creates an Etsy treasury and includes shops from teammates and outside the team, then sends a message to each featured shop. The idea of the game is that those featured will then create a new PIF treasury and keep the game going. It's a great way to find items from shops and feature them and pay it forward!

These are some of the most recent PIF treasuries made...

You're on my List by Stacey from beer suds 


Visit these PIF treasuries and leave a comment or give it a favorite. Take a peek at the curator's shops and see what they sell. Promote these awesome creative friends!

Friendly Shop Feature: Candi Ware

This week is the beginning of our Friendly Shop Features series!
You can sign up to be featured too. CLICK HERE for the details. (All images are clickable links.)

Candi Ware Jewelry makes miniature food jewelry that's scented to add a little love, fun, and happiness to our world!

Candice is the owner/creator. She's a PCF Team member and here's what she says about promotion:
Facebook is my favorite from of promotion because its so easy to use and so easy for everyone to see updates. I post lots of photos of things I'm working on, a step by step on whats new. People seem to really enjoy it!

Her biggest creative inspiration: cook books and just enjoying food!

Find Candi Ware Jewelry on the web:

Be sure to visit Candice and take a look around. Or visit her on any of the social media sites listed above. =0) Promote our creative friend!

PCF Team on Pinterest

Are you an avid pinner? Well, the PCF Team is on Pinterest!!! If you're not following us yet, please do!

Leave a link in a blog comment of an item that you'd like pinned to our team boards. =0)

Want us to follow YOU? Leave your pinterest link for us to follow

Have a great day!