We'll be hosting the monthly Shop Hop during the first week of each month, lasting for about one week (through the 10th of the month). And each month, a couple of shops will be chosen at random (via random.org) as the Spotlight Shops to be featured during the next month's hop. Please be sure to visit the Spotlight Shops in support of small business, and in the name of Promoting Creative Friends (all social media shares are, of course, welcome and much appreciated as well).
December Shop Hop Stats:
* 47 links
* 116 clicks
Congrats to Our Hands Are Tied for winning...
* Link up your SHOP URL (please, not a specific item - use a specific item for your image, if you want).
* Visit the Spotlight Shops for the month.
--->>> Leave a blog comment sharing a favorite item from at least one of these shops.
* Visit at least ONE shop in the linky line before you (promoting is not mandatory but is definitely appreciated). If you choose to promote, leave your links & we will do our best promote your links as well.
* Spread the word and invite friends to join us!
* Link up your SHOP URL (please, not a specific item - use a specific item for your image, if you want).
* Visit the Spotlight Shops for the month.
--->>> Leave a blog comment sharing a favorite item from at least one of these shops.
* Visit at least ONE shop in the linky line before you (promoting is not mandatory but is definitely appreciated). If you choose to promote, leave your links & we will do our best promote your links as well.
* Spread the word and invite friends to join us!
Grab our Button
Please copy/paste the highlighted html code below (sorry, couldn't get the "grab box" to work):
href="http://pcfteam.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img
border="0" alt="pcfshophop photo
Now on to our...
Entry #29
Entry #45
Time to get to it. Link up your online shop & join the fun!
Last day to link up is January 10th.
One of my FAVES from ACCrochet https://www.etsy.com/shop/ACCrochet?section_id=14752932
From BKinspired https://www.etsy.com/listing/169103371/eiffel-tower-postcard-creative-wood?ref=shop_home_active
From Corky
fav from Forgotten Cotton is the ruffled infinity scarf
fav from Corky Crafts is the cork Topiary
I will be looking for more!
Great job crafters!
and of course, I added my personal name and not my business, hahahaha , I told you guys it was a slow morning....
Yumme Designs!
Thank you for featuring my wine cork soldier, this team rocks! There are so many fav's I have on this team but these are my top 3 favs!
I really like the first featured item: https://www.etsy.com/listing/168174885/mustard-infinity-scarf-sweater-ribbed
I also love this: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/98086047/12x12-scrapbook-photo-album-creative which would be a great present for my mother.
Audrey has some awesome bags up, too:
Oh and thanks to everyone for letting my shop (OurHandsAreTied) be the most clicked link of the last Shop Hop!
These are really great earrings by YummeDesigns
And I love all the button felt pillows by Penny Heaven!
ACCrochet has amazing hot pads! The lady bug set is adorable!
I am sorry for all the posts!!! It didn't look like it was working and I was getting frustrated. Time to get off the computer I think! :)
This scarf is terrific. https://www.etsy.com/listing/168174885/mustard-infinity-scarf-sweater-ribbed
And so is this rug. https://www.etsy.com/listing/161692763/bright-bold-handmade-crochet-rag-rug?ref=shop_home_active
I also liked many more items from the other shops.
Thanks for having this great place to post our shops! I tried twice to add your button to my blog but I get the code as well as the button posted....doesn't look good! Just an FYI...not sure if it is my page...
Happy New Year PCF team! Nana has some wonderful items in her shop and I love this collar from Fiber & Bead https://www.etsy.com/listing/171593763/ooak-crochet-cowl-or-collar?ref=shop_home_active
Beautiful infinity scarves! Love all of 'em but esp the red one!
Happy I found this! I need to work on getting a website up so I can add your button to it. I love the items at BK Inspired.. I'm actually getting into some pyrography myself.. the small stuff. favorite item in her store is https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/168145313/kitchen-wall-art-creative-wood
I love this maroon scarf:
and the kissing balls from corky crafts:
I also faved the rose petals from mommyandmeworkshop!
Love the beautiful Infinity Scarves from ForgottenCotton.......especially the ruffled ones. They are gorgeous!
Beautiful items from all!
I love Wendy's gloves! These from her shop are pretty too!
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